9 de set. de 2018

Many blessings

Dear brothers and friends,

Our hearts rejoice in God for His faithfulness because he is always looking after His children in such a special way. We also thank you for having been with us and interceded for Jefferson and our family during these last weeks.

On September 2, Jefferson and I had the blessing of celebrating our marriage anniversary, 12 years. We were in the “Church of the Brothers” and the Pastor Mário Santos prayed for us. It was a blessing to celebrate this date in the church with Jefferson feeling much better.

On September 5 we completed 1 month in Portugal and it’s wonderful to see that God has restored Jefferson's health.

He still has his last appointment next week for his knee.

We praise God for the brethren here in Portugal who have welcomed us in their homes, took us to the hospital, invited us to meals and encouraged us in the Lord like brother Otto and his wife Marjorie, brother Jorge and his wife Catarina, the missionary Joana Pharazyn, Pr. Mario Santos, etc.

Praise God with us for the recovery of Jefferson; for our children who are well there in Senegal; for the good time we have had here in Portugal and for Jefferson’s recovery and also for the gifts that God has given us to pay the expenses of the evacuation’s flight and at the hospital. Right now, we are owing 23,000 dollars.

As Jesus said: "What is impossible with men is possible with God" (Luke 18:27).
We appreciate your care, your gifts, and your prayers.

God bless you all.
Jeff and Joana Cordeiro

To help us with the expenses use:


Western Union
Joana Maria Da Silva Cordeiro

IBAN: BR7500000000028230000073911C1
Jefferson Cordeiro
Banco do Brasil

IBAN: BR2200000000030200000395021C1
Joana Maria da Silva Cordeiro
Banco do Brasil

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